M2.2 – 2023
Name project: Future Mentors Eindhoven
Future Mentors Eindhoven is an organization that connects youth to city leaders to design the future of Eindhoven together. For my Final Master Project of Industrial Design, I developed the methods they use in this Future Mentors Programme further, based on analysis of last year’s work and research through literature research and interviews amongst experts and youth. I also worked on making a sustainable structure for the Future Mentors to continue in the future.
An insight I gained over the last half year is that to me, I see most value in being a strategic designer in the way that I am for the Future Mentors Programme. During my FMP, I gained experience in analyzing insights, connecting it with the broader context of Eindhoven and developing systems to move towards a city where the youth perspective is an apparent part of all institutions in or around the city. This motivates me because I am able to connect people in the city who normally wouldn’t have impact, to city leaders.
Making design decisions in this way sometimes was challenging, as there are different stakeholders and the project topics are really broad: anything is possible. What helped me in this is the frequent team meetings we held with the Future Mentors team. During these meetings, we brainstormed on our findings and gave the project direction.