Business and Entrepreneurship Creativity and Aesthetics Technology and Realization User and Society

M2.1 | One-bite Feminism

M2.1 – 2022 Name project: One-bite Feminism Grade: P Description One-bite Feminism is a short film documentary and event series which took place at FabCafe Tokyo. The topic is gender inequality in Japan and the goal of this project was to raise awareness on gender inequality and start a discussion within the FabCafe Tokyo community. […]

Design and Research Processes Math, Data and Computing Technology and Realization User and Society

M1.1 | Cocktail Madness

M1.1 – 2021 Name project: Cocktail Madness Grade: P Description The project had the goal to create a (eu)stress inducing game to be used for psychological research into stress. Cocktail Madness is a hybrid game with a physical cocktail shaker and an online game. The game has immersive and engaging elements such as the cocktail […]

Design and Research Processes Technology and Realization User and Society

M1.1 | Constructive Design Research: Trust between Humans and Highly Automated Vehicles

M1.1 – 2021 Name project: Trust between Humans and Highly Automated Vehicles Grade: 7 Description This research project used a showroom and speculative design approach to research the trust between humans and highly automated vehicles (HAVs). For this approach a theater performance in a therapy session setting was designed to illustrate the underlying trust issues […]